Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Series: Discovering Jesus: unveiling His work in the book of Hebrews
Key Passage: Hebrews 11: 17-19 (CSB)
Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele
If you’re new or visiting with us online, we are so honored you are joining us! Please fill out the WELCOME card on our website. At the bottom of the home page you will find a way to request more information about Coulee Rock, join our email list or stay connected on our slack app.

Prayer and Worship Night
Join us for a special night of prayer and worship!
Nursery will be open but not staffed.
August 25th 5-6pm at Coulee Rock Church.
Sundae Sunday
Join us after church on September 1st for an ice cream sundae bar!
A delicious tradition you don’t want to miss!

Fall Conference 2024
Fall Conference is on September 20-22 in Westby, Wisconsin.
This year we will be hosting Bruce Goldsmith from SeeJesus. He will be teaching us from the book A Praying Life.
Operation Christmas Child
We are starting a collection of items to pack our Operation Christmas Child gift boxes in October.
There is a table in the foyer for items. Thank you for your hearts to give to this beautiful ministry.

Fall School Supply Drive
The Sunday School kiddos could use your help with supplying some items for our classrooms. If you have some of these new items at home or would be willing to purchase some extras when you’re out getting school supplies, we would so appreciate it!
Sign up in this Google Doc if you can help with an item.
Items will be collected through September 1st.
Grow in Groups
Groups are starting in September! Check out our CONNECT page for more details