Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Series: Discovering Jesus: unveiling His work in the book of Hebrews
Key Passage: Hebrews 11: 7 (CSB)
Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele
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Church Picnic
Join us at Town of Holland Park in Holmen on August 18th right after the service.
Pick up lunch or bring a picnic lunch.
Water and cookies will be provided!
Prayer and Worship Night
Join us for a special night of prayer and worship!
Nursery will be open but not staffed.
August 25th 5-6pm at Coulee Rock Church.

Sundae Sunday
Join us after church on September 1st for an ice cream sundae bar
A delicious tradition you don’t want to miss!
Fall Conference 2024
You don’t want to miss our annual Fall Conference. This year we will be hosting Bruce Goldsmith from SeeJesus. He will be teaching us from the book A Praying Life.
September 20-22 at Living Waters Bible Camp in Westby, Wisconsin.