Why should you attend this conference?

Do you desire spiritual growth, and change in your walk with Christ? Gathering with other believers is an essential discipline for the growing Christian life – a chance to hear from God in a new way!
The conference also will be a time of getting to know others, growing in unity with your church family, and relaxing and having fun! Be part of something great!
The conference will be held September 22-24 at Living Waters Bible Camp in Westby, Wisconsin.
Theme: The Influence of Salt and Light
We are called to be salt and light in our world, and it is foundational to who we are. The purpose of this call is for us to make an impact on the world, on society, and on the culture around us through our influence. That impact is to be as significant as the impact of salt and light. We are slow down corruption and illuminate or manifest the truth and the life of God. This call points us to a way that gives our world, our society, and our culture a brief experience of who Christ is so they will want more and seek more of Christ.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. 14) “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15) No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16) In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”
Matthew 5:13-16, NLT
Pastor Kitt Guerrier of Hometown Church in Minneapolis will be our speaker.

Kitt Guerrier is the Teaching Pastor at Hometown Church. He has been attending Hometown Church since July 2008. Prior to being a pastor, he was a school counselor for 20 years and coached various sports for 25 years.
Pastor Kitt has been married to his wife, Charity, since 1997, and they have three children. He enjoys reading and playing and watching sports. His desire in serving Christ is to motivate, teach, counsel, and help people become men and women of integrity who love Christ and want to share their lives and faith with others. His life’s passion is to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. And after that, he believes everything else will fall into place.
How to Register:
- Register and pay on Sunday mornings in the foyer OR
- Mail your forms and payment to the church at: 3059 Medco Ct., La Crosse, WI 54601 OR
- Register online. Payment will still need to be dropped off at church or mailed.
Please make your payment via check made out to “Coulee Rock Church” memoline: “Fall Conf.”
Scholarship Request Information
Scholarship Request Forms are available in the foyer or can be emailed to you. Please email info@couleerock.com if you need a form.
· Half–scholarships or specific amount scholarships are available.
· Turn your request into the registration basket no later than Sunday, September 11
· Once your scholarship request is reviewed and approved, you can complete your registration.
Registration closes Monday, September 18.
*subject to change
5-7pm – Check in & settle into housing
7-8pm – Worship & Prayer, Session 1, & Camp Orientation
8pm – Flashlight Walk for Kids
8-?pm – Bonfire, Fellowship, & Snacks *Lodge open for board games, too!
*subject to change
7-8am – Quiet Time/ Devotions
8-9am – Breakfast
9-10:30am – Worship and Session 2 (4 & older Kids’ Lesson in Rec. House, age 3 & younger in Chapel)
10:30-10:45am – Break – coffee, water, and snacks
10:45-11:30am – Small Group Discussion (Kids on hike)
11:45am – Group Photo by Playground
12-1pm – Lunch
1-4pm – Open Recreation: hiking, foosball, shuffle board, Frisbee Golf, ping-pong, air hockey, jungle gym, soccer, softball, Octo-ball, & more!
1-2:30pm – Climbing Wall & Zip Line (optional)
3-4pm – Camp Store Open
4-5pm – Session 3 (kids watching video in Chapel)
5:30pm – Supper
6:45pm Evening Activities: Wagon Ride, Bonfire
*subject to change
7-8am – Quiet Time/Devotions
8-9am – Breakfast
9-10am – Cabin Clean Up/ Pack Up
10-11am – Sunday Service (streamed to La Crosse) 11am – Depart
Each family will have its own cabin or room. Housing will be assigned based on family size and need. Some cabins have bathrooms. Those that do not are close to a shared bathroom.
Children will take part in Friday evening and Sunday morning services.
There will be a Saturday morning session for children. Children ages 3 and younger will be indoors to play, and older children (ages 4+) will be outside (weather permitting) on the playground or participating in camp activities like a nature hike and Bible lesson with a craft.
Children will receive snacks and water during this time.

Snacks will be provided on Friday night and, weather permitting, a bonfire with s’mores Friday & Saturday.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served Saturday. Sunday morning includes breakfast. Snacks and refreshments will be provided during session breaks.
Food can be purchased at the camp store during the Saturday afternoon recreation time.
If you have any specific dietary needs, please let Kelsey know so she can communicate with camp staff: kelsey@couleerock.com

What to Bring?
- Bible
- Notebook and pen
- Recreational clothing & shoes
- Money for snacks
- Sleeping bag or other bedding
- Pillow
- Bug repellant
- Sunscreen
- Towels
- Toiletries & soap
- Flashlights/head lamps (one per kid at least!)
- Flashlight Walk
- Campfire/S’mores
- Climbing Tower
- Zip Line
- Living Waters Creation Program
- Rec Room: foosball, shuffleboard, air hockey
- Ping Pong Tournament
- Hiking Trails
- Disc Golf
- Playground
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Wagon Ride (Free)
- Soccer
- Softball
- Octo-ball
This is our 9th Annual Conference.
The conference is for all Coulee Rockers with something for everyone. Enjoy the fall beauty while you are refreshed by the teaching of God’s word and the fellowship of God’s people.