Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Series: Prayer and Fasting
Key Passage: Matthew 6:16-18 (CSB)
Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele
If you’re new or visiting with us online, we are so honored you are joining us! Please fill out the WELCOME card on our website. At the bottom of the home page you will find a way to request more information about Coulee Rock, join our email list or stay connected on our slack app.

Winter Read
Being Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn
Meeting Details: Monday, February 5th at 6:30pm at Panera
Looking forward to connecting over good books with you all!
Men’s No Regrets Conference
Saturday February 3rd, from 8:00AM – 2:30PM at Bethany Church.
“No Regrets” is a one-day simulcast event with great speakers, worship, and breakout sessions to help strengthen our Christian lives as we walk side by side together.
This year we will be extending our time together in order to allow for more fellowship and discussion during our breakout sessions. We’ll also have a light breakfast, a free drink from the café, and lunch together, so you’ll have no need to worry about food while we’re together. We hope to see you there!
Register today! And please let Pastor Peter know if you are attending so we can connect as a group.
For more information about No Regrets:

Birthright Fundraiser
The annual fundraiser for Birthright of La Crosse is here!
Birthright is available to those with an unintended pregnancy to provide information, a listening space, and love, along with referrals and emotional and
spiritual support when needed.
The bottles/envelopes will be available to take home Sunday January 21, 2024.
Prayer and Worship Night
When: January 21st from 5-6pm
Where: Coulee Rock Church

Marriage Conference
Save the weekend!
April 5th and 6th will be our annual marriage conference.