Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Series: Ruth, Love Expressed: Kindness, Faith, Patience – week 4
Key Passage: Ruth 3:1-18 (CSB)
Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele
If you’re new or visiting with us online, we are so honored you are joining us! Please fill out the WELCOME card on our website. At the bottom of the home page you will find a way to request more information about Coulee Rock, join our email list or stay connected on our slack app.

Children’s Museum Family Night
Join us at the Children’s Museum on Friday, March 22nd from 5:30-7:30pm for a fun and free night!
Dinner is provided.
RSVP here!
“small is BIG” Marriage Conference presented by Mike & Cathy Langlois
When: April 5th and 6th
Where: Hiawatha Bible Chapel in Wabasha
Start planning your stay with your spouse today!
Register online here.
Please book housing on your own [Verbo, AirBnB, Hotel, etc.]

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
When: Friday, March 15th at 5:30pm
Where: you will get a call Thursday, March 14th to let you know where you will be having dinner or who your guests will be.
This is a great opportunity to spend a fun evening with our church families.
More information can be found here.
Women’s Book Club
You are a Theologian by Jen Wilkin and J.T. English will be Book Club’s first book of 2024. Get your copy today and join us on Monday, April 1st at 6:30pm (no joke!) to discuss this rich read.
Location will be announced when we know how many ladies will be attending. Sign up today!
For more details on this group, click here.

Save the Dates for April!
- Book Club: April 1st at 6:30pm
- Marriage Conference: April 5-6th
- Men’s Retreat: April 26-27th
- Prayer and Worship Night: April 28th