Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Series: Discovering Jesus: unveiling His work in the book of Hebrews
Key Passage: Hebrews 11: 23-28 (CSB)
Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele

Grow in Groups
Groups are starting in September! Check out our CONNECT page for more details. We have bible studies for men and women, a women’s book club, a women’s mentoring group and youth group.
Fall Conference 2024
Fall Conference is on September 20-22 in Westby, Wisconsin.
This year we will be hosting Bruce Goldsmith from SeeJesus. He will be teaching us from the book A Praying Life.

Operation Christmas Child
We are starting a collection of items to pack our Operation Christmas Child gift boxes in October.
There is a table in the foyer for items. Thank you for your hearts to give to this beautiful ministry.
Rock Solid Kickoff
Our Youth Group is kicking off this year with a build your own pizza party!
When: September 11, from 6-8pm
Where: Schwarz Home