Posts from February 2023

Posts from February 2023

Online Commentaries

The Gospel Coalition has created a resource with online commentaries for almost all the books of the Bible. Although Coulee Rock is not endorsing everything written in each of these commentaries, we have found them to be a helpful resource as we study God’s Word & walk our discipleship path to maturity in Christ.

February 12, 2023

Sunday Worship Service Sermon Series: Citizens of Heaven – adopting the attitude of Christ in the book of Philippians Key Passage: Philippians 1:12-26 Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele Announcements Friday, March 10 from 5:30-7:30pm Free event! Dinner is provided. Please invite others to join us. Please sign up if you’re attending so we make sure to have enough food! If you’d like to help with food, setup, teardown, etc. sign up in the foyer Mark your calendars for our Biblical…