“I came to know the saving power of Jesus Christ at Coulee Rock in 2013. Someone from the church kept inviting me, and it took six months! I wasn’t interested in serving anyone but myself. I was lost and my life was empty, but I didn’t know it. I had the things of the world, but I wasn’t happy.

The first day was a “Road to Damascus” moment. It truly felt like the scales fell from my eyes. I wasn’t sure I could even trust what I was feeling because it seemed too good to be true. I felt safe and loved. It felt strange at the time. The people were so kind, loving, and generous! I could tell they had something I didn’t. It was genuine. Sundays quickly became my favorite day of the week. I began to learn how to walk with the Lord. I saw the goodness of God. I saw what He had done, and what it looked like to follow Jesus. The church showed me His abundant love for His children, and that I am one of them! I learned to have a deeper relationship with my heavenly Father as I walked alongside these faith-filled men and women. I grew to understand the real meaning of having Faith. God called me out of the darkness and into His Light. What joy to know Him!
Together, we seek God and continue to grow spiritually. We carry one another’s burdens, praying and doing what we are able to help. We are more than Sunday morning believers. Coulee Rockers are engaged. We have excellent participation in small groups, Bible studies, a book club, events, conferences, and retreats. Impressive for a smaller church! But it’s who we are. We help the needy. We answer God’s call to encourage and build up one another. We believe in the power of prayer and unity in the church body. We are humble, teachable, and eager to serve. It feels like coming home. Coulee Rock is a church where everybody knows your name (or can’t wait to meet you). I feel blessed to worship and serve shoulder-to-shoulder with this special group of God’s children. We are dedicated to the Lord, to prayer, and to praise a Merciful God, worthy of all we have. My life has been beautifully transformed. I have been born again. Coulee Rock showed me the way of Truth and Love. I pray God will continue to work in and through us! To God be all the glory!”
~ Emily