February 4, 2024

February 4, 2024

Sunday Worship Service

Sermon Series: Ruth, Love Expressed: Kindness, Faith, Patience – week 1

Key Passage: Ruth 1: 1-5 (CSB)

Speaker: Pastor Peter C. Steele


If you’re new or visiting with us online, we are so honored you are joining us! Please fill out the WELCOME card on our website. At the bottom of the home page you will find a way to request more information about Coulee Rock, join our email list or stay connected on our slack app.

Membership Orientation TODAY

When: Sunday, February 4th from 4-5:30pm

Where: Coulee Rock Church

Winter Read

Being Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn

Meeting Details: Monday, February 5th at 6:30pm at Panera

Looking forward to connecting over good books with you all!

Birthright Fundraiser

The annual fundraiser for Birthright of La Crosse is here!
Birthright is available to those with an unintended pregnancy to provide information, a listening space, and love, along with referrals and emotional and
spiritual support when needed.

The bottles/envelopes are available at church and are due February 18th.

Marriage Conference

Save the weekend! We are partnering with our sister churches; Cedarcreek & Living Hope

April 5th and 6th will be our annual marriage conference.

Children’s Museum Family Night

Join us at the Children’s Museum on Friday, March 22nd from 5:30-7:30pm for a fun and free night!

Dinner is provided.

Men’s Spring Retreat

Save the date! The men in our church are starting to plan a Spring Men’s Retreat for May 3rd through the 5th.