Prayer - 2023

Prayer - 2023

Prayer – Shameless Boldness

We wrap up our 2023 series on prayer by looking at Luke 11:5-13 & pondering the question, why are our prayers timid…why do we give up when prayer is our only hope?

Prayer – Embracing Our Limp

We continue our series on prayer by looking at the life of Jacob. Pastor Peter encourages us to “embrace our limp” shedding our self-sufficiency by recognizing our deep dependence on God.

Prayer – Nearness to God

Coulee Rock is a church of prayer. Part of that commitment to prayer includes beginning each year with a series on prayer. This week Pastor Peter begins our series on Prayer by looking at Genesis 4:26, Deuteronomy 4:7 & Revelation 21:1-4 to get an overarching picture of prayer in the Bible.