Messages on Psalms

Messages on Psalms

Entering Your Father’s House

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;    my soul thirsts for you;my flesh faints for you,    as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

Hiding In Plain Sight – Psalm 19:1

Guest speaker, Pastor Rob Gerber from Cedarcreek Community Church in Eau Claire, WI joins us to look at the glory of God revealed in His creation. Pastor Rob uses Psalm 19 to springboard us into awe of God as God shows us who He is in His intricate design.

Hallel – Psalms of Praise – Psalm 116

This week Pastor Peter looks at Psalm 116 as part of our series through the Egyptian Hallel Psalms, or Psalms of Praise, dealing with how to be thankful when we look back & see challenge after challenge, trial after trial…why should we be thankful?

Hallel – Psalms of Praise – Psalm 115

Pastor Peter picks up our series looking at the Hallelujah Psalms by teaching on Psalm 115 answering the question, How should we, respond as our culture becomes post-Christian & people don’t trust & in fact, mock our God?

Hallel – Psalms of Praise – Psalm 114

Pastor Peter continues our series through the Egyptian Hallel Psalms, or Psalms of praise, looking at Psalm 114 to address the question, why is praise of God supposed to be on our lips throughout our life, no matter the circumstances?